Customer Training

Training of hoist drivers is not always provided by hoist rental companies, whereas we offer you a site specific hoist operator training session, to ensure that the hoist is operated safely in accordance with manufacturers instructions and guidelines.

The safe operation of any construction hoist relies on the competence of the hoist operator(s). As well as driving the hoist, occupants and loads to the correct upper floor, they will normally carry out the daily inspection and, in some instances, the weekly inspection as well.
To enable the hoist operation and mandatory inspections to be completed to best possible practice, the operator should be trained on the actual site restraints and the particular hoist under his, or her, control. This is often in addition to holding a CPCS Hoist Operator card.
The operator should be aware of the legislation surrounding the use of the hoist, their responsibilities while this vital piece of equipment is in their care and the procedure to document the daily/weekly checks. They should also report any malfunction or maintenance concerns. These are all covered within a classroom session as part of our hoist operator training course.

If the hoist or the power supply fails during use, the operator is the person responsible for lowering the hoist, typically to the next available landing, so that the occupants can exit the cage. Our operator training includes a practical session where every operator is taught how to lower the hoist and carries out this procedure as part of the assessment.
Where potential operators do not meet the standards required, our trainer will fail them and explain the areas of  improvement required to pass the assessment.
We also carry out ‘scaffolders handover training’, where site scaffolders are trained to use a hoist without landing gates to reduce manual handling during scaffold installation or dismantle.  


Construction Hoist Interest Group
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Construction Health & Safety Group
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