The vital role of pressure testing in our water infrastructure

blog 20 May 2024

Water pipelines deliver clean and safe drinking water to our homes and businesses. As they are under constant pressure, ensuring their integrity is paramount. That's where pressure testing steps in, playing a vital role in safeguarding our water infrastructure.

What is pressure testing?
Pressure testing is a preventative and compulsory measure to ensure the integrity of pipelines. This non-destructive technique involves subjecting them to controlled pressure exceeding their normal operating levels. Any weaknesses or leaks that could lead to potential failures are then identified and addressed.

Why is pressure testing so important?
The benefits of pressure testing are substantial:

  • Early leak detection: Catching leaks early prevents water loss, reduces environmental damage, and saves repair and cleanup costs.
  • Enhanced safety: By verifying a pipeline's ability to withstand pressure, we prevent catastrophic failures with potentially severe consequences for public safety and the environment.
  • Extended lifespan: Pressure testing identifies and addresses issues before they become major problems, prolonging pipeline life and minimising costly replacements. It is a one-time test prior to the pipeline being adopted by the network.

How does pressure testing work?
While seemingly straightforward, pressure testing requires expertise and specialised equipment. Here's a look at the process:

  • Isolation: The section of the pipeline under scrutiny is isolated from the rest of the system.
  • Filling and pressurisation: Water fills the isolated section, and pressure gradually increases exceeding normal operating levels.
  • Pressure holding: The pressure is maintained or monitored for a specific period, allowing for close observation and detection of any leaks or deformations.
  • Pressure release and inspection: Following a controlled pressure release, the pipeline can be inspected further for signs of damage or leaks and is then chlorinated ready for adoption by the network.

Expertise makes the difference
Pipeline solutions specialists bring invaluable knowledge and experience to every stage, ensuring:

  • Selection of the most suitable testing method and pressure levels based on the specific pipeline and its operating conditions.
  • Safe and efficient test execution, adhering to all safety regulations and industry best practices.
  • Thorough analysis of test results to identify potential issues and recommend appropriate remedial actions.

    Investing in pressure testing is an investment in the future of our water infrastructure. By proactively identifying and addressing weaknesses in our pipelines, we can ensure a safe, reliable, and sustainable water supply for generations to come.

Want to learn more?
Watch this informative video from Sunbelt Rentals explaining pressure testing in the utilities industry:


Your partner in pressure testing
Sunbelt Rentals offers comprehensive pressure testing solutions, including a wide range of equipment, technical expertise, and industry-leading practices. We can help you ensure the integrity of your pipelines, safeguarding your infrastructure and precious water resources.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs.

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