Aberdeen Western Peripheral

The Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route/Balmedie to Tipperty (AWPR/B-T) project is a major transport infrastructure project at the heart of the Scottish Government’s commitment to improve transport in Aberdeen and across the North East of Scotland. It involves the construction of a new 58km road which is expected to open later this year. 

The new route consists of four sections - Balmedie to Tipperty (12km from Blackdog to Tipperty), the Northern Leg (16.1km from North Kingswells to Blackdog), the Southern Leg (18.7km from Charleston to North Kingswells) and the Fastlink (11.5km from Stonehaven to Cleanhill). Once open, the new road is expected to carry more than 43,000 vehicles each day through its busiest sections.

There are 75 PrincipalStructures throughout the project, with two (PS15 and PS46) major river crossings over the River Dee and the River Don. There are also several secondary structures throughout the project which involve the installation of pre-cast culverts, drainage catch-pitsand other waterway structures.

Leada Acrow met with the design and construction team in June 2014 and wassubsequently invited to tender to provide concrete formworkpanelson several of the structures throughout the project.

Customer Name
AWPR Construction Joint Venture
Project and Location
Overall job valued at £745 million
24 months

The Challenge

This has been a highly challenging project. The contract has been split into three main sections - South, Centre and North - and the two main river crossings are being managed with separate work squads.

The major challenge was the concrete finish specified by both the client and Transport Scotland, along with funding partners Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council. The finish specified on all primary structures was full plywood sheeting, bound by a horizontal and vertical recess with four tie holes through the sheet, one in each corner. Several attempts had already been made to develop a design before Leada Acrow’s Chief Technical Engineer devised a solution which was suitable. The finish was developed over a period to allow formwork panels to be set out accordingly, with Leada Acrow’s equipment being easily able to accommodate amended sizes.

The Solution

Leada Acrow’s formwork solution utilised the company’s Super A-Beam system and Slimlite Soldiers to achieve a shutter which could withstand a pour pressure of 100kN/m2 whilst achieving the specified concrete finish. The over-riding factor on the design was the span of the Super A-Beams, but this was overcome by closing the centres to an absolute minimum. The Slimlite Soldiers were set out in accordance with the ties which were subsequently inserted where required.

The Results 

Following the initial tender process, Leada Acrow received enquiries from the project team as our solution was the only one (from several considered from other formwork companies) that achieved the desired finish without the need to move ties or re-size sheets. So far, the Leada Acrow formwork solution has been used on all 41 bridges within the North Section of the project. Leada Acrow was appointed the sole formwork supplier on this section.

Work has also taken place in the Centre Section, whereby Leada Acrow’s formwork solution has been used on one of the Principal Structures. The formwork supplied here differed from that used in the North Section, as different methods of placing ties through the shutters were used.

Once open, the new road will help to reduce congestion in and around Aberdeen and the north east of Scotland, cut journey times, improve safety, lower pollution in Aberdeen City Centre and enable public transport to be developed.

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